Alnest™, grant comfort to your patients

Nearly a billion people around the world1 are affected by sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a sleep disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of complete or partial obstruction of the upper airways leading to pauses in breathing during the night. The use of a continuous positive pressure (CPAP) machine combined with a mask is the gold standard treatment. In order to best respond to the specific needs of each patient, different types of masks exist (facial, nasal, nostril, or even specific for pediatrics). Choosing the right type of mask and its optimal adjustment are decisive for patient compliance with their treatment. Several studies have shown that a poorly tolerated mask is associated with reduced CPAP compliance.2,3. The nasal mask is the most commonly used interface and first-line mask when installing CPAP4. As for the face mask, it is used by approximately 10% to 25% of patients who cannot tolerate an exclusive nasal route or who cannot maintain sufficient mouth closure.2,5.
Keen to offer an improved patient experience, we are launching a new generation of masks for sleep apnea and ventilation: Alnest™ is the name chosen for this new range. Alnest™ aims to provide increased comfort to the patient [in order to contribute to their good acceptance of the treatment]. As part of the development of our Alnest™ masks, we have focused on optimizing the flexibility of our new generation bubbles, ease of installation and use for the patient, and reduction of the noise linked to leaks. These three key characteristics allow us to offer masks that make the treatment more pleasant on a daily basis for the patient and his/her partner.
Air Liquide Medical Systems designs and produces its masks in Italy, through its subsidiary based in Brescia. Building on its expertise in aerosol therapy, ALMS Italy launched its first generation of masks for sleep apnea and ventilation in the early 2010s. Alnest™ represents the third generation and benefits from all the experience acquired in this field for more than 15 years.
Discover our Alnest™ masks, each embodying the fundamental principles of this new range:
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Medical devices class IIa CE0051.
Please read the user manual.
Manufactured by Air Liquide Medical Systems S.r.l., Italy.
Distributed by Air Liquide Medical Systems S.A., Antony 348 921735 R.C.S Nanterre.