Bag CPAP: Managing oxygen, enhancing care

The recent pandemic highlights significant challenges for healthcare systems, particularly with the surge of critically ill patients experiencing acute hypoxemic respiratory failure that overwhelmed hospital capacities1. In response, many healthcare professionals turned to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) as a noninvasive oxygenation and respiratory support solution outside of intensive care units (ICUs), aiming to prevent intubation 2,3. More generally, in patients with de novo acute respiratory failure both in constrained and unconstrained environments, the application of CPAP is recommended and has been shown to improve respiratory mechanics, gas exchange and outcome4. However, since CPAP devices are often used in environments where ventilators are not accessible, concerns about their oxygen consumption arise.Indeed, most devices currently available on the market do not adequately address this issue.
Taking into account the needs and constraints of our users, we have designed the Bag CPAP. The Bag CPAP is the new solution designed to treat de novo acute respiratory failure, by providing moderate or high FiO2, while optimizing oxygen consumption5. By significantly reducing oxygen consumption, the Bag CPAP combines sustainability and frugality. It allows the treatment of more patients when oxygen resources are limited, from a gas network or from a concentrator. The Bag CPAP was also designed to be intuitive to use, so that as many healthcare professionals as possible could manage critically-ill patients out of intensive care units, facing surge in demand for care, or in low-middle income countries (LMICs).
Bag CPAP is a simple way to combine continuous positive pressure and effective FiO2 within a noninvasive device, making it a valuable treatment for the initial management of respiratory failure.
Discover Bag CPAP, our solution to manage oxygen consumption:
Legal Notice
Bag CPAP is a disposable single patient use non-invasive ventilation device intended for patients requiring Continuous Positive Airway Pressure and moderate or high oxygenation in a hospital environment or in an emergency situation. Bag CPAP is intended for use on adult patients (weight > 40 kg).
Medical device class IIa CE0051. Please read the user manual.