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Soffio plus

Compressor aerosol unit for the lower airways

The essential design and the practical handle make Soffio Plus a viable solution for those who look for a compact and simple aerosol unit. It comes with Perfecta breath enhanced nebulizer and a comfortable transport bag for storing accessories.

Therapy Indications

Specifically conceived for treatment of the lower airways disorders.


Soffio Plus comes with Perfecta, is a breath enhanced nebulizer, delivering a consistent particle size (<5µm) for targeted delivery to the bronchopulmonary apparatus. The applied technology ensures fast therapy and consistent deposition in the lungs.


The nose-mouth mask included is conceived for very young children (0-5 years old), but can be used as mouth mask by older people. The special mask shape increases the quantity of drug available for inspiration, making the therapy more effective and reducing drug dispersal in the environment (reservoir effect).


  • Compact
  • Effective treatment of lower airways
  • Simple design to improve cleaning operations
  • Shoulder transport bag
