Air Liquide Medical Systems will be at ERS Congress, September 2024.

The #ERSCongress 2024 will soon open its doors. As every year, the @ European Respiratory Society will propose high-quality research and provide ERS delegates with the latest advances in the management of respiratory diseases.
This year’s congress will be special for us as a Poster will highlight the benefits of our Coaching Function embedded into our EO-70 cough assistant device. The poster (#9) "Assessing the impact of coaching on mechanical in-exsufflation learning in children, a randomized trial" will be presented by @ Nicolas Audag, on September, Sunday 8th, from 12.30 pm to 2.00 pm. Do not miss the opportunity to attend this lecture!
Don’t hesitate then to come by our Air Liquide Healthcare booth A5.03, where our teams will be eager to display our devices: our EO-70 cough assistant device and EO-150 life support ventilator, as well as our pediatric devices, masks and aerosol therapy ranges.
The ERS Congress will occur from September 7 to 11, in Vienna, Austria.
We look forward to meeting you there.